Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Moving some content here just in case...

Perhaps I'm just not egotistical enough, but I suspect that unlike many blogs, I don't actually expect people to read this, or even check in occasionally. This is sort of an archive of Windows Mobile tips and tricks that I expect (hope?) someone will stumble across in a Bing or Google search if they're having a particular issue or problem.

In that vein, I was doing a search for some issue involving Funambol, and was startled, (yet pleased!) to find a post I wrote for the Windows Phone Experts Connection forums pop up. WPE Connection is (was?) a forum on a training site for Windows Phone salespeople, that Microsoft is transitioning (which I think is 21st century-speak for "closing down!") to a different site/format.

I was a participant and eventually a moderator at WPE Connection for nearly two years, so before the myriad of information, suggestions, and advice I gave there disappears into the aether, I thought I'd wrangle some of those posts and repost them here. I'll try to update any out-of-date information as I go, if not immediately, soon.

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