Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Like the World Needs Another Geek Blog?

Ok, I admit it! The world DOESN'T need another geek blog about PDAs and mobile phones. This will NOT be a place to turn to see if the new UberPhone 3000 is going to come in a Burnt Sienna color as well as Charcoal and Verdant, or trade rumors about if the next device will have an 800x480 pixel screen. Hopefully I'll be shooting for a far less ambitious goal here!

I've been using Windows CE/Windows Mobile Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and mobile phones since about the time I started my own business a decade ago, and in that time I've learned a few things about using one with the other.

I read and post in the Windows Mobile Usenet newsgroups quite a bit, which tends to be a bit of a "geek club," so I'm generally communicating with others who are ardent fans and longtime users of the platform, and tend to already know a lot about the capabilities and various software options for the devices, so it's a dose of reality for me when running into friends, acquaintances, (or even strangers!) using these devices who are amazed at what they are capable of, or who amaze me when I realize what they DIDN'T know they are capable of!

So rather than another blog or website devoted to the latest "news" about these devices, I thought maybe there was room in the world for one that traded tips and tricks for the small business owner, or home office user that covered how to increase personal productivity, as well as have a little fun, by using these amazing little powerful devices.

I, for one, do not pretend to know it all, so if you've got a great idea or use for these things I haven't thought of, or have a better way of doing something I'm already doing, please share- I'm always looking for a better way to be more productive and spend less time working!

By the way, if you're NOT using one of these little miracles for your personal or business use, hopefully we'll give you a few good reasons to give one a try.